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Administrative Automation System

The administrative automation system provides a digital transformation of all transactions issued by the university's administrative units

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Online Admission System

The online admission system provides application forms for studying in all university programs

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Scientific Affairs System

The system works to provide auxiliary resources for professors and researchers to complete the process of teaching, learning and research

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Student Information Management System

Provides an environment for communication with the academic and administrative units at the university

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Alumni Information Management System

This system was found to strengthen the university's relationship with graduates in terms of supporting them with all the requirements necessary for practical and scientific life

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Financial and Accounting System

Comprehensive financial and accounting system at the university

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Virtual Library System

The system provides books and academic references for students and academic staff at the university

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Agent Relationship Management System

The link between the university and the registration agents and between the agent and the students registered by him

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Learning Management System

The system provides the appropriate educational environment via the Internet for bachelor's, master's and doctoral students at the university

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Interactive ISU Community

The system provides an integrated interactive environment for students and faculty members that enhances social communication relations

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Virtual Event Platform

The platform provides the appropriate virtual environment for holding events of all kinds within the university in its various branches

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University Systems Portal

Where Job Quality Is in Education

The Information Technology Center works continuously with the quality control system to provide a practical and scientific environment by creating systems that meet the requirements of the various operations of the university in accordance with international standards set by accreditation bodies.

Our university is the United Kingdom's Formal Education Provider (UKRLP) East London No: 10092071, accredited by the Accreditation Service for Schools, Colleges and Universities International (ASIC) and accredited by the Accreditation Service for Academic Support (ASAS) in the UK. and the Accreditation Council for International Business Education (IACBE) and is listed in the American Directory of International Evaluation Institutions (ECE) for graduate academic qualifications.

Online Admission System

+44 7786 196729